Visual Arts Professor and Alumna Exhibit Work at the Guilford College Art Gallery
Prof. Virginia Tyler, a Saint Augustine’s University faculty member in the Department of Visual Arts, within the School of Humanities, Education, Social and Behavioral Sciences, will exhibit at the Guilford College Art Gallery in Greensboro, N.C. as a part of the invitational show “Twelve Places Redux.” Professor Tyler’s piece is a collaborative work entitled “Tribute to the God Tree III.” She worked with Ghanaian artists Mr. Joseph Agyemang, Mr. Paul Amponsah, Mr. Kofi Amponsem and the metal casters of Kurofofrom Village to make the 14-foot tall sculpture. Saint Augustine’s University alumna Blair Gray will be showing in the exhibit as well. The opening reception is on Friday, September 20, from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. The show runs through December 15, 2019, at the art gallery on the Guilford College campus, 5800 W. Friendly Avenue, Greensboro, N.C.

Tribute to the God Tree II,
detail 2
copper alloy
collaboration with Joseph
Agyemang, Paul Amponsah,
and Krofofrom village metal
2×9 ft