14 Jan 2022
Notice for Final Move-In Process for Spring 2022
Greeting students,
Saint Augustine’s University remains vigilant about keeping the campus safe for students, faculty, and staff. Over the last three months, our message has been the same for all stakeholders to be fully vaccinated, have a negative COVID PCR before arriving on campus.
As a reminder, stated below are the requirements for the COVID-19 move-in process:
- The final move in date will be Saturday, January 29, 2022 in the Emery Gymnasium from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. with a break in service from 12:30 p.m. – 1 p.m. No arrivals will be permitted after 4 p.m.
- All students must present a negative PCR COVID-19 test result to be allowed in the move in process. Tests must be taken no later than January 26.
- All students must be vaccinated OR have an approved medical or religious exemption before the move in process. The deadline to submit exemptions was December 7, as stated in a previous communication to students. Therefore on the spot exemptions will not be accepted.
- All students, commuter or residential, will not move into housing, attend in-person classes or attend events and activities on campus if they do not comply with the COVID-19 protocols stated in this announcement and the SAU website.
- Please make your housing appointments if you have not done so already. Make your appointment at MyHousing Portal.
These policies apply to in-state and out-of-state students.
We thank you for your cooperation and we look forward to seeing you in a new, safe semester.